Представляем инструкцию по применению Полимедэла на английском языке.
The electrets were discovered by the Japanese physicist Yeguti in 1919 for the first time. Now they have been well known. The methods of its use in engineering are widely adopted. The researches of biological characteristics of the electrets have been started since 1960s. The electrets play an important role in functioning of many biological structures as they themselves possess electret properties. It is detected that the constant electric fields produced by the electrets exert influence on biostructures. An electret is a dielectric keeping different or one sign charge for a long time. There are many methods of electrification for the electrets which may provide the storage of a charge from some days to some tens of years. Today the thin polymer electret films (thickness 3 - 50 mcm) find a really wide use in modern engineering, e.g. the production of many microphones, phones are based on the polymer electrets. The use of the electrets in biology and medicine is of a special importance but it must be pointed out that this technology hasn´t been widely adopted yet.
An interesting applied way to use the electrets in medicine is connected with the production of materials possessing the evident antithrombogenic properties. From clinically tested findings it is concluded that the use of the electrets stimulates tissues regeneration, knitting consolidation etc. It demonstrates the positive possibility of the electrets for use in medicine. Although the use of the electrets hasn´t been widely adopted yet it must be admitted that the problem is probably to find and to produce the electrets with necessary characteristics and long-term stability.
Nowadays the methods how to get this thin (thickness 10-50 mcm) electret film with the above mentioned properties are worked out. The films are produced by the Scientific-industrial firm "ELMET" (St.Petersburg).
The electret applicator Polimedel is certificated by the VNIIIIIMT (the Russian Scientific Research Institute for testing of medical items and equipment) of the Ministry of Public health of RF, clinically tested by the Chair of internal diseases of the 2nd therapeutic Department of the Moscow Medical I. Sechenov Academy, the Russian Scientific Centre for rehabilitation and physiotherapy, the 1st City Hospital (Moscow), the Moscow Stomatologic Semashko Institute. The clinical analgesic effect was detected by using of the film, i. e. the qualitative abatement of pain together with subsequent removal of pain at all. The effect retained its validity after the Polimedel application in 50% cases. In the first column the findings are given on the principle /analgesic effect during the application/ and the second column illustrates the model /analgesic effect after the application/.
Clinically tested findings:
Articular diseases (knee joint, ankle joint, hip joint) |
83% |
43% |
Vertebral osteochondrosis with radicular syndrome |
64% |
48% |
Muscular, tissue diseases (myosits, post-operational cicatrices ets.) |
86% |
66% |
Angio-neuropathia (diabetic) |
60% |
34% |
Gastro enteric pathology (gastric, duodenal ulcer, chronical colic, cholecystitis) |
67% |
22% |
Noncoronarogenic cardialgia |
73% |
26% |
Notice that there are no side-effects by using of the film.
From clinically tested findings it is concluded that the Polimedel is a new therapeutic highly efficient product to remove appreciation of any pain. We should point out that the Polimedel is possible for use in many cases of medical treatment. Quantity of clinically tested findings isn´t quite enough to recommend the Polimedel for other use of treatment at the time. We hope that the problem will be solved soon.
The polymer medical electret film is charged by a special electret technology. The film can keep electrostatic charge for a long time.
Many tests of the electret properties in the USSR and abroad demonstrated the optimum therapeutic effect in traumatology /knitting consolidation etc./. The electrostatic field of a negative charge intensifies the formation of callus. From the latest clinically tested findings it should be pointed out that the use of the Polimedel is highly efficient in other cases of medical treatment, e.g. the film application to painful area of different origin provides the total removal of the pain (arthritis, osteochondrosis, radiculitis, contusion, renal colics etc.)/
The electret film is a space electrostatic field source, negative charged, fixed with quantitative parameters.
The film of the Polimedel (thickness - 20mcm) is electrified with index of surface-active charge density – 10-7 -10-6 C/m2.
Method of electrification — modified corona charge.
Material of the film — medical fluoroplastic-4 or other copolymers of fluoroplastic, medically authorized.
Charge stability of the film – three-five years by the conditions: humidity – 98%, temperature – 45 ° C; and over ten years and more by the normal conditions: humidity - 60%, temperature – 20 ° C.
The phenomenon of the electret characteristics is discovered for all types of biopolymers (polypeptides, polysaccharides, polynucleotides etc.) and in membranes, bones, enzymes. It may be the contributory factor to think that the electret film has real power to act.
Open the packing and cut the portion of the film in size you need but longer than the total painful area. Apply it to the zone of pain. It is advisable to apply the film through gauze bandage providing more compact contact with the skin and preventing film pollution with sweat. You may also fix the film with adhesive plaster. You should wear the Polimedel application till the therapeutic effect which can be normally perceived in 20-30 minutes. It is recommended to make intervals by using the Polimedel after 48 hours.
You may take the film only keeping its borders! The surface must be clear and dry. To prevent any pollution of the film wipe it with q soft alcoholic cloth. Therapeutic characteristics disappear if the film is rumpled!
The Polimedel is a totally ´pure´ agent. The action of the Polimedel isn´t connected with introducing of any heterologous substances into a human body. The action of the film improves t he internal resources of а human organism as well as with no side effects. |
In case of colic apply the Polimedel to the painful area in motionless position for 1 hour a day. Course of treatment – 2-3 days. |
Colic |
Bronchitis |
In case of bronchitis apply the Polimedel to painful area in motionless position for 1 hour twice a day. The Polimedel stops inflammatory process. Course of treatment – 5-6 days. |
If the pain in the liver area you should apply the Polimedel to painful zone in motionless position for 30 minutes twice a day. |
Pain in the liver area |
Gastric ulcer |
In case of gastric ulcer apply the Polimedel to the painful area in motionless position for 1 hour twice a day. Course of treatment – 10-12 days |
If you feel retrosternal pain or in case of cardiac incompetency you should apply the Polimedel to painful area in motionless position for 30 minutes twice a day. Course of treatment – 8-10 days. |
Retrostrernal pain |
Humeral arthrosis |
In case of humeral arthrosis apply the Polimedel to painful area in position for 1 hour a day. Course of treatment – 5-6 days. |
Osteochondrosis with radicular syndrome is accompanied with recurrent/ persistant pain. Analgesics can not help you to the pain. In case of osteochondrosis apply the Polimedel to painful area for 1 hour a day. Course of treatment – 3-6 days |
Lumbar o steochondro sis |
Osteochondrosis / the neck area |
In case of osteochondrosis / the neck area / you feel pain if you move. Analgesics can not remove the pain. Apply the Polimedel to painful zone for 30 minutes a day. Course of treatment – 3-6 days. |
Nerolgia is usually caused by stress, cold etc. You certainly take a medicinal / tablets, ointments /, physiotherapeutic / warming up / cure and don´t have sense of relief . Apply the Polimedel to painful area for 20 minutes twice a day. Course of treatment – 2 days. |
In case of renal colic apply the Polimedel to painful area for 1 hour a day. Course of treatment – 2-3 days. |
Renal colic |
Arthritis /elbow |
In case of arthritis / elbow joint / apply and fix the Polimedel to painful area for 1 hour a day. Course of treatment – 10-12 days. |
In case of arthrosis /hand joint/ apply the Polimedel to painful area for 1 hour twice a day. Course of treatment – 5-7 days. |
Arthrosis /hand joint/ |
Arthrosis /knee joint/ |
In case of arthrosis /knee joint/ apply the Polimedel to painful area in motionless position for 1 hour a day. Course of treatment – 10-12 days. |
In case of cramps /lower extremities/ apply the Polimedel to painful area motionless position for 30 minutes three times a day. Course of treatment – 2-3 days. |
Cramps |
Capillary disease /lower disease/ |
In case of capillary disease / lower disease/ the Polimedel provides the pain removal and increases blood flow. Apply the Polimedel to painful area in motionless position for 30 minutes twice a day. Course of treatment – 10-12 days. |
In case of dislocation, strained muscles apply the Polimedel to painful area in motionless position for 30 minutes twice a day. Course of treatment – 1-2 days. |
Dislocation, strained muscles |
Calcaneal spur |
In case of calcaneal spur apply the Polimedel to painful area in motionless position for 1 hour twice a day. Course of treatment – 10- 12 days. |
In case of headache apply the Polimedel to forehead area in reclining position for 30 minutes twice a day. Resume the sйances and necessary. |
Headache |
Inlfammation of trigeminal nerve |
In case of inflammation of trigeminal nerve apply the Polimedel to painful area for 30 minutes twice a day. Course of treatment – 3-7 days. |
In case of fractures apply the Polimedel to facture area on gypsum of bandage for 1 hour a day. Course of treatment – 10- 15 days. The Polimedel intensifies metabolic processes in fracture area, removes any inflammation and edema. |
Fracturies |
Arthritis /joints of lower extremities/ |
In case of arthritis joints of lower extremities /apply the Polimedel to painful area in motionless position for 30 minutes twice a day. Course of treatment – 10-12 days. |